Thursday, August 4, 2011

August 2011

 Hello All,
   August is in full swing and man is it HOT! 105 today, we are burning up. The activities we can do outside are limited to swimming and more swimming. Luckily we had my mom and dad visit to break up the monotony. We went to the Children's Museum (love, love love), Beach, and Swimming.
  The girls have now advanced to thier next playgroup, the Walkers. Not sure how it will differ but we will meet a diffrent group of kiddos and mommies. I am looking forward to September( hopefully the weather will be cooler by then) so that I can start running again. For some reason running in 90+ weather is just not fun. Hoping for rain and a cold front other than that we are doing well. Hope to see some of you guys soon. Enjoy the rest of the summer.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summer in Texas

   Summer has arrived. We have been surviving the heat in Houston, Texas. Reached 105 recently. Not much to do outside but swim, so we have taken advantage of our backyard baby pool. Even Chad has been known to put his feet in. June went by fast and we are cruising into July. Our 4th will be a silent one this year with no fireworks due to the ban. Texas  along with many other states is on fire. I am thinking that it is just as well, the fireworks would have scared the girls this year anyway. Maybe next year they can watch with out screaming in horror. Still plan on going to parade and then just take it easy and eat good food.
   Grandma Al and Grandpa Pence will be visiting us this July. Planning on a beach trip and children's museum with them while they are here. Girls are doing very well. We are adding lots of words to their vocabulary, such as, ball, book, dog, and, duck. Still trying out the one nap a day schedule. Some days it works others it does not. I am hoping we will have it established by end of summer.
Hoping to update more often see you guys in August.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Birthday Fun

Hello All,
   We survived the First Birthday. We all had fun eating cupcakes and opening up gifts. I want to thank all who came and sent gifts. Thank you for making their First Birthday memorable.  Check out flickr for pics.
    The girls are crawling all over the place and starting to wrestle with each other.  They have also started waving . In fact Ella decided that while waiting in the doctors office to get her one year old shots she would wave at everybody. Needless to say she was not waving when we left the office.
    Its getting hot in Houston and pretty soon we will start swimming.I am hoping to put our new baby pool out in backyard as well as take them to big pool in our neighborhood to practice swimming.

  Next update will be Easter, talk to you then.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Feb 2011

I cant believe how fast February has come and gone. One more month and the girls will be a year old. Everyone told me how fast it would go and boy were they right. We have come such a long way from 3 and half and 4 lbs. The are both 20 Lbs respectively. The girls eat table food, are practicing crawling and walking and can stand up at chairs and cribs. Pretty soon the real mayhem will begin. GETTING INTO EVERYTHING!
I have started planning the girls B Day pary. I had to reign my self in. I was starting to becoame one of those moms who hire a zoo and celebrity guests, then realized they will have no idea what is going on and opted for just a cup cake and family oriented Bar Be Que Day.  Getting excited to see everyone.
I recently fell and sprained my ankle pretty bad. I am going on three weeks with no running and very light walking. I hope to resume my activities by first week in March. I was training for a half Marathon in May, but not sure if I will be ready. But I am going to give it a try.
Chad is still working as hard as ever. I think he enjoys the continual challenge his job brings him. But he always spends Saturday and Sunday cooking and shopping with the girls and I. He loves that the girls can eat the food he cooks.
We are seeing big time personality differences in the girls now. Allison is a girl version of Chad in looks and personality ( poor me, one chad was enough) and Ella is sweet and smiley. She looks like my mom's side of the family a version between Perrin, my mom and Aunt Lorene. I told Chad the next one will look exactly like me.

Make sure you check out my Flikr site to  left. Talk to everyone in March.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

December 2010

The year of 2010 has come to an end and what an eventful year it was for us. Of course I am speaking of the addition of the two wonderful girls to our family, Allison and Ella. Weighing in at 17 and 17 and half and both are 27 inches long, we are ending the year on a great note. Girls are saying mama and dada to everyone. We play and think magill ( our puppy) is hilarious.

We had our first Xmas with children which was a first experience for both of us, Chad and myself. We have been used to being the children so it was kinda of weird to look under the tree and see the majority of gifts were not for us. But we enjoyed it better with the girls than without. They loved opening their gifts, tearing the paper and putting it in their mouths, than the gift themselves. Thanks to all of the grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, great aunts, great great aunts and great grandmas that made the girls first Xmas so special. Be sure to check out the flickr site to the right for more pics and videos.

Monday, November 8, 2010

October 2010

The girls have changed so much in the last month. We are almost sitting up with out support and roll over . We have two front bottom teeth to eat with. We talk a lot and eat a lot. Vegetables are their favorite. Fruit not so much.  We weight 16 lbs and are about 26 inches long.
We have had a lot of visitors recently Grandma Susie and Grandpa Steve both visited us. We love when family comes to visit us. We also went trick or treating this year. We made it to three houses then got fussy and had to head back. Allison was a bee and Ella was a Flower. We had fun.
The girls have also started entertaining each other. I guess I should say stealing each others toys and hitting and sucking on each others heads and hands. We take two big naps every day, one in the morning and one in afternoon. As well has sleep 10-11 hours every night. Looking forward to what the next month will bring.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer 2010

5 Months Old

Wow, almost five months since the girls were born. They are talking to us and to each other. Rolling over is the next big deal. They are so close they get frustrated when they can't make it over. They have successfully transitioned into their cribs and sleep there for 7 -8 hours. I still check baby video constantly so my sleep , while better, is still broken. The girls have gained a lot of weight, Allison is 13.5 and Ella is 12.5 and they are both about 22 and half inches long. We go to a play group once a week. We(me)love it. We get a chance to socialize and make new friends. Magill (our puppy) has been doing well with the girls. When they wake up the first thing she does is a drive by lick on the tops of their heads. We are settling in to routine which I really like. I will try and keep up with blog, my goal is at least once a month. A lot going on this September so stay tuned.