Sunday, January 10, 2010

Last Three Months

We are now in the last three months of this journey. We have had visitors and lots of changes. Grandma Susie and Grandpa Wayne came out for a visit and even got to see the girls on TV (ultra sound). Girls were 1 pound and 7 inches long as of Chads Birthday. They kick and punch all the time. It seems the kicks get stronger everyday. We have accumulated quite a wardrobe already for the girls, their closet is full of pink clothes. We have 90 % agreed on names for the girls, Allison Marie and Ella Lorene. Looking forward to February when I can relax and stay at home. Work is getting a little tricky for me the bigger I get. Chad and I will start planning and purchasing nursery items in Febuary. I will take pics when projects are done. Big thanks to Grandpa Mac for the girls crib bedding and Grandma Al and Grandpa Pence for the Pack and Play. Great Aunt Lorene and Grandma Susie bought outfits and gear ( bottle items to name a few) for Xmas. Thank you. I will update as soon as time allows. So stay tuned.