Sunday, January 9, 2011

December 2010

The year of 2010 has come to an end and what an eventful year it was for us. Of course I am speaking of the addition of the two wonderful girls to our family, Allison and Ella. Weighing in at 17 and 17 and half and both are 27 inches long, we are ending the year on a great note. Girls are saying mama and dada to everyone. We play and think magill ( our puppy) is hilarious.

We had our first Xmas with children which was a first experience for both of us, Chad and myself. We have been used to being the children so it was kinda of weird to look under the tree and see the majority of gifts were not for us. But we enjoyed it better with the girls than without. They loved opening their gifts, tearing the paper and putting it in their mouths, than the gift themselves. Thanks to all of the grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, great aunts, great great aunts and great grandmas that made the girls first Xmas so special. Be sure to check out the flickr site to the right for more pics and videos.