Saturday, December 12, 2009


So as many of you know we are having two babies in the spring. Last week we found out those babies are very active and already kicking baby GIRLS. In true fashion of being sisters they already fight with each other. While watching the magic of technology ( ultra sound) they seemed to enjoy kicking and slapping each other around. They also like to keep me up at night with their late night early morning squabbles by creating a lot of movement in my tummy. We are excited and a little scared about the teenage years to come, I was terrible and I know this is fate getting back at me, but we will take it has it comes. For now they will be sweet and loving. I will be on house rest at the end of January per Doc's orders and hope to deliver sometime in April. So February and March I will be concentrating on cooking them as long as I can and thinking of baby names. Stay tuned for more updates as we get them.