Monday, November 8, 2010

October 2010

The girls have changed so much in the last month. We are almost sitting up with out support and roll over . We have two front bottom teeth to eat with. We talk a lot and eat a lot. Vegetables are their favorite. Fruit not so much.  We weight 16 lbs and are about 26 inches long.
We have had a lot of visitors recently Grandma Susie and Grandpa Steve both visited us. We love when family comes to visit us. We also went trick or treating this year. We made it to three houses then got fussy and had to head back. Allison was a bee and Ella was a Flower. We had fun.
The girls have also started entertaining each other. I guess I should say stealing each others toys and hitting and sucking on each others heads and hands. We take two big naps every day, one in the morning and one in afternoon. As well has sleep 10-11 hours every night. Looking forward to what the next month will bring.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer 2010

5 Months Old

Wow, almost five months since the girls were born. They are talking to us and to each other. Rolling over is the next big deal. They are so close they get frustrated when they can't make it over. They have successfully transitioned into their cribs and sleep there for 7 -8 hours. I still check baby video constantly so my sleep , while better, is still broken. The girls have gained a lot of weight, Allison is 13.5 and Ella is 12.5 and they are both about 22 and half inches long. We go to a play group once a week. We(me)love it. We get a chance to socialize and make new friends. Magill (our puppy) has been doing well with the girls. When they wake up the first thing she does is a drive by lick on the tops of their heads. We are settling in to routine which I really like. I will try and keep up with blog, my goal is at least once a month. A lot going on this September so stay tuned.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Just wanted to do a quick update. The girls are three months in 7 days. They sleep now about 4-5 hours at a time and can smile and coo at me. Video is on flickr site to right. The pictures up top, Allison is very grouchy. Ella is a smiley girl. My mom is here and helping us out till the end of August. I am so thankful. I don't know if I would have made it with out her help. We both get about 5-6 hrs of sleep every night, which makes a huge difference in how you feel the next day. We can actually get things done and even go out on outings. The girls are also going to a multiples play group. Which I enjoy a lot even though they really don't play. That's all I got for now, new updates next month.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Visit.

Just an update on the comings and goings of the McCormick Twins. The last three weeks Grandma Al visited and stayed up very late rocking us and feeding us. Grandpa Pence was here for a week and was a great help changing dirty diapers. The girls are now 7 and 8 lbs respectively. Pretty soon we can venture out in public. Here are a few pics. P.S. on flickr site to right is a video of girls.

Monday, May 3, 2010

One Month

One Month Old!!!!

The girls are now one month old. Growing up so fast, (sniff,sniff). Allison is weighing in at 7 pounds and Ella is 5 pounds 12 ounces. My mom is here for two more weeks then my dad flies in to meet his grand daughters. I am so appreciative of all of the help. I don't think I could do it if I did not have mine and Chad's family willing to come to Houston to help out. So far girls will sleep for about two and half hours at a time. Hoping this changes soon. I am looking forward to getting 4 straight hours. I am not greedy , just a little bit at a time. Here are a few pics of the girls when Ella came home, they are much bigger now.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Babies Are Here!!!!!!

March 31st at 3:24 and 3:26 our twin girls arrived. Baby Allison weighed in at 4 and almost a half. Baby Ella weighed in at 3lb and 4 oz. Both are now in NICU were they will stay till they gain more weight. Both are now eating from a bottle in very small quantities. Allison is up to 30 cc's of formula and has been eating from a bottle easier than Ella. Ella has tried twice to eat from a bottle and both times been successful but her intake is only 15 cc's. The goal is to pump them up and make them fat. Baby Allison has the pink bow, while Baby Ella has her foot sticking out of her bedding while she is laying down trying to sleep.
I am recovering slowly but surely, had a few complications but I believe we are now over the hump so to speak and hoping to start improving everyday. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and excitement.

Monday, March 29, 2010

17 days and Counting

We are starting to count down now.,17 days left. Girls are scheduled for delivery by C-section on April 15th at 12:30 in afternoon. Today was 1 out of four doctor appointments left. I also have just one more week left to take my medicine. Today at ultrasound we saw girls practicing sucking and they stuck out their tongues a us. Baby A has more hair than Baby B. Next week we find out what they weight for the last time before they are born. This Thursday, in the morning, we go for our doppler (umblical cord and fluid tests). So far they have gotten good scores on all of these tests.
Chad is planning on installing car seats this weekend. I think he is going to go to fire station for first one and watch and then attempt to do second one on his own so he knows how to do it. That's all I got for now. Let the count down begin.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Down to the wire

I am almost done. Whew, feels good to say that. March 23 is the magic date. Not that I deliver on the 23 rd but any time after that week it could happen. I get to stop taking the medicine I have been using to reduce contractions. So far they have been working. The girls also got a steroid to speed up their developement. We need their lungs to be as strong as they can get since they will be early no matter what. Both are well over 3 pounds now. So weight is not going to be a big issue. I have been surviving bed rest. I do a lot of flipping from one side to another. My brother and his girlfriend Jessi were kind enough to come down and keep me company. Which makes the time go faster. I am excited for St. Patty's day which means Chad will make corned beef, and soda bread. Yum. Cannot partake in the Irish tradition of drinking but I will watch. I am getting really excited to see what these girls look like. I wonder if they will have hair? Look like Chad or me? Lots of dreaming, waiting and guessing.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bed Rest

So has many of you know I am now on bed rest. Our goal is to keep girls comfortable till at least 34 weeks , March 23 and at the latest April 15th ( 37 weeks). I am so far handling this inactivity okay. I am trying to keep my self busy with little projects, much like this blog. I also appreciate all the phone calls, emails, and texts. Anything to keep my mind busy. I wanted to share some pics. One of the girls is chewing on her hand or something. The other girl is just posing and gave a really nice profile. The picture of me is at 29 weeks. So very recent. So far I have gained 25 pounds. I need to gain about 10 more. Chad has been helping me out a lot, doing dishes, laundry and general house cleaning. He is also trying hard to come home around 4 to work from his office. He is going to try and do this two to three times a week. We hope if this goes well he can continue with this schedule when girls finally come home. Girls are about 2.5 to 3 pounds now so they are really packing on the pounds. At last doctor appointment saw girls practicing their breathing and open their eyes, which was a little creepy. Starting to count down now and finish preparations for their arrival, when the action really starts. Thanks again everyone.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Last Three Months

We are now in the last three months of this journey. We have had visitors and lots of changes. Grandma Susie and Grandpa Wayne came out for a visit and even got to see the girls on TV (ultra sound). Girls were 1 pound and 7 inches long as of Chads Birthday. They kick and punch all the time. It seems the kicks get stronger everyday. We have accumulated quite a wardrobe already for the girls, their closet is full of pink clothes. We have 90 % agreed on names for the girls, Allison Marie and Ella Lorene. Looking forward to February when I can relax and stay at home. Work is getting a little tricky for me the bigger I get. Chad and I will start planning and purchasing nursery items in Febuary. I will take pics when projects are done. Big thanks to Grandpa Mac for the girls crib bedding and Grandma Al and Grandpa Pence for the Pack and Play. Great Aunt Lorene and Grandma Susie bought outfits and gear ( bottle items to name a few) for Xmas. Thank you. I will update as soon as time allows. So stay tuned.