Monday, November 8, 2010

October 2010

The girls have changed so much in the last month. We are almost sitting up with out support and roll over . We have two front bottom teeth to eat with. We talk a lot and eat a lot. Vegetables are their favorite. Fruit not so much.  We weight 16 lbs and are about 26 inches long.
We have had a lot of visitors recently Grandma Susie and Grandpa Steve both visited us. We love when family comes to visit us. We also went trick or treating this year. We made it to three houses then got fussy and had to head back. Allison was a bee and Ella was a Flower. We had fun.
The girls have also started entertaining each other. I guess I should say stealing each others toys and hitting and sucking on each others heads and hands. We take two big naps every day, one in the morning and one in afternoon. As well has sleep 10-11 hours every night. Looking forward to what the next month will bring.