Monday, May 17, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Visit.

Just an update on the comings and goings of the McCormick Twins. The last three weeks Grandma Al visited and stayed up very late rocking us and feeding us. Grandpa Pence was here for a week and was a great help changing dirty diapers. The girls are now 7 and 8 lbs respectively. Pretty soon we can venture out in public. Here are a few pics. P.S. on flickr site to right is a video of girls.

Monday, May 3, 2010

One Month

One Month Old!!!!

The girls are now one month old. Growing up so fast, (sniff,sniff). Allison is weighing in at 7 pounds and Ella is 5 pounds 12 ounces. My mom is here for two more weeks then my dad flies in to meet his grand daughters. I am so appreciative of all of the help. I don't think I could do it if I did not have mine and Chad's family willing to come to Houston to help out. So far girls will sleep for about two and half hours at a time. Hoping this changes soon. I am looking forward to getting 4 straight hours. I am not greedy , just a little bit at a time. Here are a few pics of the girls when Ella came home, they are much bigger now.