Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bed Rest

So has many of you know I am now on bed rest. Our goal is to keep girls comfortable till at least 34 weeks , March 23 and at the latest April 15th ( 37 weeks). I am so far handling this inactivity okay. I am trying to keep my self busy with little projects, much like this blog. I also appreciate all the phone calls, emails, and texts. Anything to keep my mind busy. I wanted to share some pics. One of the girls is chewing on her hand or something. The other girl is just posing and gave a really nice profile. The picture of me is at 29 weeks. So very recent. So far I have gained 25 pounds. I need to gain about 10 more. Chad has been helping me out a lot, doing dishes, laundry and general house cleaning. He is also trying hard to come home around 4 to work from his office. He is going to try and do this two to three times a week. We hope if this goes well he can continue with this schedule when girls finally come home. Girls are about 2.5 to 3 pounds now so they are really packing on the pounds. At last doctor appointment saw girls practicing their breathing and open their eyes, which was a little creepy. Starting to count down now and finish preparations for their arrival, when the action really starts. Thanks again everyone.